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The Beans are Growing & A Writing Wrap Up

  March 20

Hi everyone! I hope you’re having an awesome Friday so far. I’m super excited because I’ll be hanging out with some blog friends this weekend and will share all the deets in our next writing wrap up next Friday. It’s always fun to meet the people you interact with online in real life. 🙂 The … Continued

The Snow is Melting & A Writing Wrap Up

  March 13

Guys, I feel just about as happy as can be. The snow, my friends, is finally melting. I believe I just survived my first winter a resident of the great Northeast, and let me tell you, it was a brutal one! The kids first birthday is right around the corner too, so I feel like … Continued

What It Takes to Go From Blogger to Author: Part 2

  February 25

This week, we are featuring two amazing friends of mine who have taken the leap from blogger to author. On Monday, we interviewed Shannon and today I’m proud to welcome my friend Stefanie here to the blog. Stefanie owns The Broke and Beautiful Life blog and is an accomplished actor, writer, blogger, speaker, and now … Continued

What It Takes to Go From Blogger to Author: Part 1

  February 23

When it comes to side hustling, there is one ultimate side hustle, the side hustle all writers dream of but very few accomplish. That, my friends, is writing a book. I’m proud to welcome my friend Shannon here to the blog today. Shannon owns Financially Blonde and Next Gen Financial. She is an accomplished financial … Continued

A Day in the Life: Self Employment With Infant Twins

  January 19

I’ve gotten a few requests for a day in the life post, so here it is! And wow, I didn’t realize how long it would be or how much there is packed into a day so sorry for the book! In the past few years of blogging, I’ve written several of these: Day in the … Continued

Making Your Money Work for You

  January 19

When it comes to personal finance, there seems to be two different camps of people who are trying to reach financial independence. One group is trying desperately to lower their expenses and operate on a shoestring budget, while the other group tends to seek out new and higher paying job opportunities or ways to earn … Continued

How to Send Two Kids To College on a Teacher’s Salary

  January 12

Please welcome my friend Jenna to the blog, who has a great story about how her parents sent her and her twin sister to college even though they both made low incomes. Twenty-six years ago, my parents were in for the shock of their lives. Five months after saying I do, my parents found out … Continued

What a Journey: My 5 Year Wedding Anniversary

  January 1

Happy New Year everyone! It’s time for my annual marriage review post because tomorrow is my 5 year wedding anniversary. Wow. 5 years. What a journey. There is so much I want to say, especially about this past year. Coincidentally I started my blog the same year we got married and so I’ve been recapping … Continued

We Actually Did It: Our Very Minimalist Christmas

  December 24

For weeks, I’ve been talking about battling materialism and consumerism for our children’s first Christmas. I’ve written about my plan to give them very few Christmas gifts and go as minimalist as possible. I’ve written about this plan across multiple sites on purpose so I would actually do it. We went back and forth on … Continued

Christmas Traditions & A Writing Wrap Up

  December 17

Hi everyone! The hubs just took his final exam in psychiatry, and he is off for the next two weeks. We will be enjoying Christmas right here in NJ, and I’m hoping for a white  Christmas!! Hubs already has a two week rotation scheduled covering next Christmas and New Years so this could be our … Continued
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