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6 Crucial Money Lessons I Learned From My Father in Law

  July 31

I’ve mentioned my father in law a few times here and there in posts on here and in other places I write, but I thought it would be good to write down six of the crucial money lessons that he’s taught me over the past 10 years. Yep, come October it’s been 10 years since … Continued

Why Every Millennial Needs a Side Hustle

  July 27

The following is by staff writer, Kayla. With today’s economy and job market, new college grads are having trouble finding full-time jobs at all, let alone a career within their chosen field. Many are unemployed or under-employed and not earning nearly enough to live off of and pay all of their monthly bills, including their … Continued

The 3 Incredible Benefits of Freezer Cooking

  July 22

Today I have a guest post for you from one of my coaching students, Abby. Enjoy! If you’re like me, 5 p.m. is the time of day when things start to get a bit frenzied. As someone who works from home, I know I should at least start dinner around then if I want a … Continued

Why Having a Nanny is Good for You and Your Kids

  July 21

When I decided I wanted to work from home, I definitely had this idealized view of me typing away on my computer while my kids played at my feet. The reality is that balancing the two is extremely difficult, and it took me far too long to call in reinforcements. When I first had my … Continued

Why I’ve Lived Without a TV for 4 Years

  July 15

In the fall of 2011, I took a massive, massive leap that would change my life forever. I left my very steady job as a park ranger for the National Park Service, and I moved out of the country to live in the Caribbean where my husband attended medical school. We lived there for three years … Continued

6 Networking Tips for Introverts

  July 13

Today’s post is a guest post from one of my coaching students, Jessica. I hope you find it helpful. Take it away Jessica! Oh networking. The word itself is enough to make me feel a little anxious. I know certain people thrive in social situations and love meeting new people. I am not one of … Continued

How I Learned to Budget as a Teenager

  July 10

When I was 16 years old, I went away to a boarding school. It wasn’t what you’d typically think of when you hear the words “boarding school.” My parents didn’t send me away for bad behavior or because they didn’t want me in the house. It was actually a school called the Louisiana School for … Continued

Animal House: How to Budget for Your Family’s Pet

  July 8

If you own a pet you likely treat them as a member of the family. The unconditional love and companionship that a pet offers is invaluable and we can’t imagine our lives without them. The care and feeding of a pet is a vital part of any household budget, and unfortunately these expenses can add … Continued

4 Amazing Free Things to Enjoy in NYC With Your Family

  July 8

A few weeks ago, I met up with John of Frugal Rules and his lovely wife in New York City. I love being so close to the city as it’s allowed me to meet up with blog friends a few times and have a few fun experiences. We only live about 15 miles from the … Continued

Setting and Staying Within Your Wedding Budget

  July 7

The following post was written by staff writer, Kayla. One of my friends recently got engaged, like last week, and the first thing I found myself asking her was “When is the wedding?” I’m sure most newly engaged ladies get asked more about their up-coming wedding date, wedding plans, and even their wedding budget, before … Continued
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