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The Secret to Getting Published on Very Large Websites

  June 29

Welcome to LAUNCH DAY for the Get Paid to Write for Blogs course!!! It feels so, so great to write that and it feels so great to have this project, this massive massive project, all done. I have been working on the course since January, but I’ve had the idea for the course for a very long … Continued

How I Conquered My Nightmares

  June 25

There is something I’ve been struggling with for quite some time, years actually. This problem is, in not so many words, a sleep problem. Basically, I can’t actually fall asleep or stay asleep. I’ve always had issues falling asleep, and I’ve always been jealous of the hubs who can literally sit on the couch, close … Continued

How to Watch Out For Infected Android Apps

  June 24

While there are some of us who manage just fine without a smartphone, our numbers are few…especially since the price of most smart phones has come down considerably over the last few years. Okay, Apple products are still sky high but most of the Android phones are more than reasonably priced. And, unlike iDevices, Android … Continued

17 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You’re Feeling Lazy

  June 22

It’s never easy to motivate yourself, especially after a bad day or when you’re stressed, exhausted, or tired. Believe me, I experience this all the time, and over the last year, I’ve tried a ton of different ways to snap myself back into action even if I don’t feel like doing anything at all. Here … Continued

Why Minimalism is Easy, Even When You’re Tired

  June 17

There has been a lot of talk about minimalism and decluttering lately in the blogosphere, and I want to throw my two cents in because I’ve long been a fan of minimalism but I feel my house creeping towards chaos again. There was a time in my life when I gave away 2,011 things in the … Continued

6 Ways to Have An Incredible Beach Vacation

  June 15

It’s early in the morning as I write this, and for once I am refreshed, rejuvenated even. Since having children last year, I’ve been deeply embedded in what only can be described as extreme stress. Raising kids, as anyone who is a parent knows, is difficult albeit quite rewarding. Trying to find real, meaningful family … Continued

Why We Decided to Tell our Kids How Much We Earn

  June 12

The following is a guest post from a friend of mine, blogger and freelance writer, Kristi Muse. Take it away Kristi! As a child, I never knew how much my parents earned. I was 100% in the dark financially. I was 10 years old before I understood that water was not, in fact, a free amenity. … Continued

Does Summer Make You Spend More? 3 Ideas to Keep Summer Frugal

  June 11

Today’s post is by staff writer, Kayla. Summer is the time of year where I miss being a kid the most. The first summer after college graduation was the absolute worst. You see, I had grown accustomed to work full-time during the summer because that’s what I did during college to make extra money when I … Continued

How to Throw a Frugal Bridal Shower

  June 9

It’s been over five years since I got married, and although weddings have always been a “big deal” in the United States, I’m still amazed at how much the costs have sky rocketed in the last few years. It seems like many brides have extremely high expectations of how their wedding and all their showers … Continued

It’s Summer, I’m Still Self Employed, and a Beans Update

  June 3

Hi lovely blog readers. I wanted to give a life update. It’s been a little while since I’ve posted a wrap up and there are a lot of things going on at once per usual. The best news is that it’s finally starting to feel like summer here, and I don’t just mean the weather. … Continued
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